Overheard in Christchurch

Younger woman: My eyes are sore.
Older woman: I have some eye drops; would you like to use them?
Younger woman: Yes please.
Older woman: Here you go …
[ The older woman dispenses drops into the younger woman’s left eye ]
Younger woman: Ow! That hurts!.
Older woman: [ Looks at bottle ] Oh, these are for ears.


  1. Comment by Jtabz — September 13, 2006 @ 8:21 am


    Check out this website… same thing, but a lot of it. And with a Yankee slant:

  2. Comment by ChrisM — November 12, 2006 @ 8:23 am

    I’ve done something like that before…
    It was a dry summer, and my eyes were getting itchy quite regularly. One day, knowing the evening would be spent in a smoky bar, I bought some eye drops at an opitician.
    Later that night…. itchy eyes, so applied the drops.
    Screamed like a girl for a few seconds.
    Asked my wife to read instructions for eye drops, likely side-effects etc.
    Discover the ‘eye drops’ were in fact contact lens protein remover/cleaner.
    Wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

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